Further information

Practice Area

Bishop Monkton
Burton Leonard
Burnt Yates
Penny Pot Lane

practice area map

(click on map for a larger view)


Details of how complaints or comments may be made are displayed at the Surgery and can be viewed here. The first point of contact is the Reception Supervisor.


Suggestions from patients are welcome at any time – they should be made to the Reception Supervisor in the first instance.

Training Practice

As a training practice we may have medical students and GP registrars attached to the Practice. Patients will be made aware where the doctor is not a named performer of services under the terms of the contract.

Disabled Facilities

The surgery building has a ground floor entrance with a lift service to consulting rooms. A purpose-built disabled toilet is available.


All patient-identifiable information will be kept in the strictest confidence and will not be given to unauthorised third parties.

The rules of the Data Protection Act are rigorously applied.

Working copies of all medical and administrative records are held on computer.

Information may be shared with authorised Practice Staff and other health agencies where this is necessary during the course of treatment.

Data may be processed so that patient services can be reviewed and improved.

Doctors visiting the practice for the purposes of examining the work of GP registrars and their trainers may be given access to medical records.

NHS 111

You can contact NHS 111 365 days a year, 24 hours a day on the free telephone number 111.


You can obtain information about services commissioned in the area by contacting Harrogate and Rural District (HaRD) CCG on 01423 799300.

NHS England  

NHS England are responsible for commissioning primary medical and dental services.  

Violent or Abusive Behaviour

The practice reserves the right to refuse to treat patients who are abusive or who offer violence. In such situations it is possible that the Police would be called and the patient would be removed from the Practice list.


Contact details

• Main Number 01423 560 261
(8am-6pm on weekdays)

• Out-of-hours:-

 6pm to 6.30pm tel: 0330 123 0938

 6.30pm to 8.00am tel: 111

Opening times

Monday to Friday 0800 to 1800

Saturday 0800 to 1200
(prebooked appointments, no telephone service)