We are pleased to welcome Dr Tanya Stemmet to our team of Doctors.   Did you know if you're aged between 40 to 74 and do not have an existing medical condition, you are entitled to a free NHS Health check? - please contact the surgery for details . You are also now able to book appointments and order repeat prescriptions on-line - call in to reception with photo id to register for this service

Manston Surgery

Cross Gates & Scholes

November 2014 Minutes

Manston & Scholes Surgery - Patient Participation Group (PPG)

Minutes of meeting held : Saturday 1 November 2014 10:45


Judy Fullerton (chair), Sue Horgan, David Preston, Angela Stocks, Cecily Hanlon, Jean Bickerdike.


Elizabeth Holmes, Patricia Lee-Preston, Elizabeth Bellhouse.




Introductions: The meeting was opened and the Chair welcomed the group and thanked them for giving up their time, introductions were completed


Expectations: The expectations of the PPG were explained: To have an open forum where the PPG would help the Practice move forward and act as a reference point for new ideas and changes in practice arrangements. The aims also covered that the PPG would like to attract a representative cross section of patients served by the practice. It was agreed that the Practice would continue to seek new members via the website and surgery notices


Future meetings: It was agreed that future dates of meetings and the minutes would be displayed on notice boards of both sites and on the practice website. It was also agreed that the meetings should be held 3 times per year and that the location used would be Manston Surgery, as the Surgery is open every Saturday, this seemed the most obvious choice to hopefully make it more accessible to a wider range of patients.

Action: Display minutes on Surgery notice boards, website and schedule future dates for 2015 meetings.


New Surgery: An update was given on the progress of the new Surgery at Crossgates due for completion Summer 2015. An architect’s drawing was displayed and room layout explained. Disabled parking was discussed with an enquiry relating to vehicle height restrictions to the disabled parking bays. Also the size and number of lifts within the building was queried.

Action: Confirm height limitations in disabled parking bays

Action: Confirm the number and size of lifts


New Surgery, parking: The meeting requested whether there would be parking for patients, JF pointed out that as far as the Practice was aware, parking would be for both Staff and Patients but this would be confirmed over the next few months. Spaces may be limited but currently there is NO provision for patient parking at the Manston site


Patient Survey:  JF gave details about the patient survey that could be completed online or in hardcopy (available from reception) The results of the survey are due to be collated

Action: Display survey results


Patient Survey:  JF explained that feedback from previous Practice surveys was very good and suggestions/comments were taken very seriously and acted upon. A poster “You said….. we did” was now displayed on noticeboard with the changes made (eg waiting room de cluttered and posters on walls thinned down, provision of alcohol gel dispensers on entry and exit of surgery for patients use, a few chairs with arms for the elderly in waiting room and  the creation of a ‘Manston News’ noticeboard.


AOB: No matters raised that were relevant to PPG business.


Next meeting: Agreed for Sat 28 March 2015 subject to confirmation.